design, Guest Post, handmade, recycled paper

Blog Hop


Last week I was tagged by Madeline Norris of By Meeni, to join a ‘blog hop’ – where another blogger tags you in a post to answer some questions and give a little insight into your world. Below are the questions Madeline asked me and my answers.

1. What have been the doings/makings/scribblings at your desk/making table in the last week?

I’ve been mainly working on print and graphic design jobs this week – developing branding, designing stationery and printed publicity. As it’s the end of term, my recycled ‘Thank You’ note cards have been given a plug online too as they’re lovely to give to teachers.

2. Where are you currently finding your inspiration? (influences, heroes/who, sources of inspiration, paths exploring)

I have been randomly inspired by my washi tape patterns and colours over the last few weeks – I love how simple and effective they are. Also, a renovated Norwegian church I came across in Swansea at the weekend. I loved it’s leaf-like windows and monochrome look – it had be renovated into a jewellers workshop and gallery space.

3. How important is being creative to you & how do you blend this with your work/life/family balance?

Being creative is part of who I am and in all my work as a graphic designer. I’m fortunate enough to be able to run my business productively from home, so I get to spend plenty of time with my dog Bailey and find the time to cook too most days, which is another creative outlet for me.

All to discover other bloggers, artists, writers, makers and designers, I tag the ever talented Elizabeth Dunker from Fine Little Day and Francine Schokker from COW Studio to “blog hop” on their blogs and answer these questions too!

handmade, interiors, recycled paper, tasty eat, vintage



2 weeks ago, I had an afternoon tea party to celebrate my 30th birthday at The Spark in Lichfield. I decorated the room with bright multi-coloured bunting, helium filled balloons, yellow daisies, and made mini paper bunting and washi tape flags to decorate the (already pretty) cakes with.

The Spark did such a super spread of cakes and sandwiches for us all to tuck into while we chatted and listened to mid-century jazz. Everything was delicious. Big cake favourites were huge slices of chocolate Guiness cake, courgette and lime cake, and raspberry coconut whoopie pies. A lovely afternoon with my lovely friends and family.

design, handmade, illustration, interiors, Portfolio, recycled paper, vintage

Made By… Pop-Up Shop

MadeBy…Pop-UpShop1Over the past few weeks, I have been super busy having meetings and email discussions with fellow Made By… group members in preparation for the opening of our pop-up shop in the local town of Walsall. Yesterday the transformed empty retail unit shop opened it’s doors and I feel a warm glow after working so hard in helping to make it a reality. A reality that has had a wonderful response from everyone who has seen it.

Made By... are a collective of artists, makers and designers who run workshops, creative projects and open pop-up shops. My roles were to re-brand, design the publicity and style the shop where we were selling our handmade and printed products, and vintage furniture from a local curio shop. I loved finding inspiration and creatively planning how the shop should look, and even though the 2 days setting up was exhausting, I was in my element as it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. The local council have been running a scheme to fill empty shop spaces for a few months now so we utilised this opportunity to have our own shop again as last November the group had a pop-up shop in a different unit.

Upcycling and recycling played a massive part in the shop’s styling. Two cabinets were kindly donated by Sp4ce originally from an old school, and as a group, we got together one evening last week and made our labels and paper decorations for the shop using old magazines, newspapers and waste cardboard.

The shop is open until Sunday 27th in the Saddlers Centre, Walsall. Find out more and see photos on Facebook

design, good, handmade, recycled paper, vintage

One Sugar Please Hand-Cut Paper Workshop

FirstWorkshopA warm Saturday afternoon a few weekends ago, I held my first hand-cut paper workshop at Flutterby Art Boutique. It was such a lovely couple of hours spent with creative ladies who I shared some hand-cutting techniques and nifty scissors skills with. They created some super unique recycled paper artwork designs as we chatted, ate lemon & poppyseed cake and drank cloudy lemonade. I particularly loved the button ankle tattoo one of the ladies had…very cool.

Flutterby Art Boutique is a sweet vintage and craft shop at Curborough Craft Centre in Lichfield and I hired out the first floor mezzanine for the workshop. It sells all sorts of wonderful handmade items from local designer makers as well as vintage pieces and crafting materials. My next workshop is on 28th September, 2-4pm. Contact Kate at Flutterby Art Boutique to book a place or get in touch for more information.

design, illustration, Portfolio, recycled paper

‘Nordic Flower’ Recycled Card Range

nordicflowercardI’ve Instagramed, Facebooked and tweeted about my new printed card range, but only just realised I’ve not mentioned anything about it on my blog – so… My ‘Nordic Flower’ card design is a limited edition taken from one of my past fabric prints. Each card is blank inside, recycled and £2 (includes a white envelope). To order before they go up in my shop and I sell them at fairs, email
